High Speed

VALDUNES INDUSTRIES was a pioneer in the development, manufacture and supply of wheels, axles and wheelsets for high speed and very high speed trains. VALDUNES INDUSTRIES is the only manufacturer to have high speed wheels in operation in every continent with high speed train operations.

We have over 35 years’ experience in this high performance sector, and have over this time developed the specifications, production processes, designs and engineering capability to supply wheels, axles and wheelsets with unparalleled operational, safety and cost effective performance.

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VALDUNES INDUSTRIES supply of wheels, axles and wheelsets for high speed can include also the supply and mounting of brake discs, bearings, axleboxes, special coatings to protect against impacts and other components.

VALDUNES INDUSTRIES can also offer solutions on these products to reduce noise and vibration.

VALDUNES INDUSTRIES can also provide hollow axles. In order to reduce weight and facilitate in service inspection VALDUNES INDUSTRIES also produces hollow axles.

In addition, VALDUNES INDUSTRIES also manufactures the forged brake discs used on TGV and KTX trains.

These items are supplied to both rolling stock manufacturers and also to operators and maintenance workshops as spare parts.

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